Transparent LED Glass Screens

The Transparent LED Glass screen is a recent development that has been designed to create magic daytime images on glass windows walls in high daylight bright conditions.

The diversity that LED screens are being put to use is growing rapidly. Here at ICE AV we are being asked constantly to provide solutions that cover every imaginable scenario with each project having its own peculiar aspect. This means there is never a one fit for every solution. Long gone are the days when it was only a LED screen on a stand with rear service doors.

transparent LED screen

Transparent LED Glass screen


The LED Glass Screen is one such solution and designed to provide minimal impact visually in one direction. It has been designed to be applied to the inside of the glass window and each panel physically attaches to the glass and each adjacent panel. The clean lines, minimal fuss with cables, neutral colour etc means it is ideal for office interiors, shop windows where a designed finish look is paramount to match the surroundings.

Transparent LED Glass

Close up of LED Glass screen panel

Download presentation This link we cover some of the technical details and size. With the growing demands and requirement for digital signage in office and shop windows the ICE LED Glass screen is a unique and innovative way to overcome sunlight and yet deliver a transparent view.

If you would like to discuss this solution further and how this or another ICE LED solutions could fit your requirements please let us know on Tel +64-9-4142348 or sales at