How to fill your beds up with someone new each night.

An Accommodation Screen should have one sole purpose in life … get some one new into your bed every night. Provocative as that may sound, it is the commercial reality for 1,000’s of small accommodation venues around the world.

For some venues, a new woman or man coming to sleep in your freshly made up bed every night of the week, is something that only happens to other lucky person, and like the Kiwi kid said to the Aussie kid in the DIY advert “Ya dreaming mate”.

LED Screen

One of the challenges I know every hotel or motel faces, is to how ensure their bed booking rate is high as possible.  Its a taken fact that the internet today ensures a lot of beds are booked days, months ahead of sleep night. However there is a huge walk in opportunity to capture passing traffic to have them stop. With grumpy kids in the back seat, a tired partner, venues have just a few seconds to have that driver brake and turn into your drive way before they pass and approach the next motel. So what is that factor and piece of individualism that a venue can utilise to capture that potential over night guest.

The ICE Accommodation LED screen can be a key tool and part of your digital strategy to ensure your beds are full instead of the competition. Traditionally the Motel has had the typical solution of a neon word sign, light box or an illuminated painted sign. The signs typically said either Vacancy of No Vacancy. The real challenge is if the status is Vacancy available and every other venue is displaying the same, what is that message you can plant in the passing motorists mind to make that split second decision to pull into your drive way.

As one who has often arrived into a city and needing  a bed for the night and you head down motel alley trying to find a clue, or reason , value statement that makes you decide in the 2-3 seconds as you are driving pass, to brake and decide to stay. What is that compelling fleeting thought…the colour of the fence, design,  free internet sign, nice lights in the garden that causes you to stay their for the night.

Our ICE LED Digital Screen technology can utilise existing power out to your current light sign. In many cases the existing light sign mount structure can be utilised and easily adapted to mount your LED screen. Data cable is is not required as we use a wireless data feed between the admin operating computer in the office and the screen that will cover 99.9% of the locations. A sign based on the Plas480 LED panels could be 1920mm x 480mm based on four panels as illustrated in the Welcome Irish Club photo, with the ability to make it half the size or any larger size. This flexibility also means they can be mounted back to back or increased in size at any time.

Here at ICE we work hard at providing the tools that allow clients to leverage business and sales opportunities in their particular field. With LED screens we know LED Accommodation Signs can have a major role into communicating with potential guests and getting some one into your beds every night.

Our Plas480 commercial grade full waterproof , daylight LED screens are the perfect platform as it is the only technology that can display ANY text, ANY colour, ANY photo, ANY time, and in virtually ANY Size. Each 480mm x 480mm panel is a complete unit that is the building block to create the size and shape of screen that you require. At any given moment it can be a Welcome Sign, Time Clock,  Celebratory Message, Attention Sign, Spot Price, Last Room special.

LED sign technology is experiencing major growth world wide and 1000’s start to realise the fantastic ability this technology has in communicating in any language, any time and with time sensitive messages and prices. The surprising aspect we often here is that people are pleasantly delighted when they hear how affordable this technology is.

hotel sign

We welcome enquiries world wide from hotels, motels owners. Whether you just need the core led technology and will utilise a local company to mount and install or a complete solution are two scenarios we can work with. If you would like a quotation, more advice or to discuss what are the options and variables available, please don not hesitate to call on +64-9-414 2348 or send us an email on sales at

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